
SNP still have questions to answer on future of ferries 6 September 2012

Today Richard Baker MSP, Shadow Cabinet Secretary for Infrastructure and Capital Investment, quizzed the First Minister on the SNP’s plans for ferry services, and said his response still leaves many questions about their future.

The question to Alex Salmond followed a statement in the chamber yesterday when Transport Minister Keith Brown made clear the Scottish Government had told Calmac not to appeal the decision to exclude them from the bid for the Northlink service, which was instead awarded to private operators Serco.

Speaking after First Minister’s Questions, Richard Baker said,

“The comments from the First Minister and  Keith Brown still leave a number of important questions over the future of ferry services in Scotland.
"The First Minister gave the assurance I sought that the routes would continue to be tendered as a single contract and I hope they stick to this.

“But his Transport Minister made clear that he had told Calmac not to appeal against their bid for the Northlink service being excluded on a technicality, when we understand this was a strong bid. 

“That contract has now gone to a privately owned company, Serco. Keith Brown’s enthusiasm for this decision is clear, as he claims this will  “improve and safeguard” the service, but other have expressed concerns over what this will mean for the level of service and the workers on the ferries.

“It is vital there is a level playing field for Calmac against privately owned operators.

“Labour will be scrutinising every decision and every element of the proposed tendering process to ensure there is no hidden agenda to help the SNP Government privatise more ferry routes."